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The Ultimate Guide to Your Home Office from Contour Design

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Make notes of any project deadlines or milestones that need to be kept. You should allow some flexibility in your schedule in case any last-minute tasks come up that you weren’t able to plan for. For productive hybrid working, you should aim to plan ahead each week and create a schedule.

Remote Work Ergonomics Tips to Use

You can also become wiser about the optimal space conditions for your home office. Taking a break for stretching, walking and redistributing your weight can refresh you mentally and also give your body a chance to recover rather than remaining in a fixed position. Performing regular stretches and getting out for lunch and other breaks should be a part of your day whether you are in an office or at home. Good ergonomics can reduce hazards such as poorly positioned hardware being damaged or overheating, and potentially causing larger safety issues.

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All workplaces must ensure that employees have the best possible ergonomics wherever they are. Addressing the needs of remote-working employees must happen in policy and in practice for organisations to show they are listening to their people and putting them first. With a growing generation of socially aware workers, employers will need to make a commitment at hiring stages and beyond to secure the talent they need and build loyalty and trust. Workers are looking for authenticity and care from their employers and to show a wider sense of purpose and responsibility for their ecosystem. In the current skills crisis, employers will all want to be candidates’ ‘chosen’ businesses.

Repetitive stress injuries are also a factor in bringing an adjustable keyboard and mouse into your office. These can suit a variety of different working positions and styles, providing better wrist support and easing the chances of carpal tunnel syndrome occurring. That means your keyboard and mouse should be at elbow height when your arms hang at your side. The top of the monitor should be at eye level so you just look forward or slightly down. The back of your chair should fit into the curve of your lower back like a puzzle piece, thighs supported but no pressure on the back of your knees, feet flat on the floor or on a footrest in front of you. DSE Assessments are vital for anyone who works more than an hour a day on display screens.


Your company may already have a cloud storage system in place, where you can store your files and access them from the office and at home. You should take care to keep your equipment stored in the right place, so everything is easy to find when you need it. Perhaps you need desk storage, or maybe you need separate storage boxes for your office organising. If you have tasks that require collaborative working, it will probably be better to save them for when you’re in the office. Similarly, if you have tasks that require you to work alone or need a focused environment, it might be best to save them for home working.

It is worth spending a bit of money this type of equipment, and getting your workspace properly set up, especially if you are going to be working from home a lot. Poor ergonomics is when the design of an item does not fit its purpose and function, or the people who need to use it. The costs of poor working habits over the last couple of years may also be catching up with employers. Spend estimates put 2021 employer-paid musculoskeletal (MSK) treatments at 40 percent greater than in 2019, with an average of $5,687 spent per employee with an MSK condition. Workers are clear they don’t want to return to the way things were, with only 5 percent saying they want to return to the office full time.

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There are a number of principles which also help structure both a productive and healthy working day. Read my top 20 tips on protecting your well-being as we continue to work from home. From simple steps to handy hacks, make remote working work for you with my 4 step plan for healthy homeworking.

Remote Work Ergonomics Tips to Use

There are huge productivity gains from remote working, as a Stanford University study found that working from home full-time was equivalent to adding a full day of productivity per week. You are not able to claim for total bills, but rather the part relates to work. If you have bought equipment to do your job, such as a laptop, a chair, or a keyboard, you can also claim tax relief. Employers have a legal responsibility for the health and safety of all workers. This includes both those who are consistently in the office and those working under a more dynamic arrangement. A matte screen that is non-reflective and protects your eyes from glare is preferable.

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If you have not choice as your chair doesn’t tilt back, at the very least make sure your posture is supported with a cushion or pillow behind the lower back. The chair height should allows your hips to be slightly above your knees and your feet directly on the floor in front of you, again to help relieve tension in the lower back. Work in Mind is an independent platform dedicated to the connection between healthy buildings and wellbeing. Working from home is a flexible work environment, where employees work from home some or all of the time.

Find out how to avoid these with our working from home tips and guidance. Whilst getting your body into a neutral posture and moving regularly are vital for your health and comfort there is one last aspect of your workspace to consider and that’s the ambient environment. When remote working, minutes of standing every hour can be useful to interrupt sitting, stretch your body, increase blood circulation and get your muscles working. You should though, take some time every day to take a walk and stretch. Dynamic and functional body movements are a great way to warm up the body before you tackle your day ahead.

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